24 January 2012

Simplified Life Week 3 & 4

Hey everyone,

It's been a few days since I blogged so I thought I would join in with the next two simplified life weekly challenges. I found week 3, mission statements, quite challenging. How do you sum up your life really? I can't say I'm great at that. So rather than being overly specific in a mission statement, my motto for this year is to "Make the most of the experiences ahead of me, to enjoy life and make myself and my loved ones my top priority". Simple, but something most of us can probably relate to.

The week 4 challenge involved helping to identify the areas in life that may need more work, based on 8 areas of importance. There is even a cool worksheet on the blog to help you work it out. I worked out my 8 areas of importance are:
- Family
- Health
- Relationships
- Fun
- Friendship
- Creativity
- Organisation
- Relaxation

I am fairly satisfied with my family life, my creativity and my relationships at the moment. My health is going okay too but is of vital importance to me right now. With such a stressful job, I don't always have a good work life balance, being so exhausted when I get home so I do feel I need to devote more time to spending with friends and having fun relaxing and enjoying the company of others. Unfortunately the life of a psychologist tends to be a bit antisocial for me outside of work otherwise lol Organisation is of course a huge focus and area I'm lacking at the moment. I have started planning for that goal though!

So in summary, this year I need to really focus on myself instead of my job and the bigger picture. Time to bring it all a bit closer to home and enjoy the experiences with the people who count the most.

By the way, Simon and I booked a 2 week tour through China/Vietnam in June to celebrate 10 years of being together. Very exciting and not a great way to eliminate our debts which we were almost on top of lol But experiences are worth far more than anything else so its going to be wonderful!

Have a great week and don't forget my blog candy which I'm drawing at the end of this month.

Holly x


Deb @ inner compass designs said...

Thanks for continuing to join in and I like what o u came up with as your motto for the year and your view of what you need to focus on this year... to find more balance

Deb @ home life simplified

Karina Smith said...

I love your motto for this year. It's so simple yet so very clear. I've printed it for my fridge. Thank you so much for sharing it.

Josie Dean said...

I will have to have a look at that site Holly! I follow another one called http://www.graceisoverrated.com/
Thanks for dropping by my blog too!